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To Submit your photos into the contest, bring printed copies to Mission Covenant Church before 6pm the day of the Expo.  

All photos will be on display during the entire show so all visitors can look at them.



There will be two age classes that photos will be submitted under.





Each age class per category will have a winner that will receive a prize

Prizes will include...

Trail cameras, gift cards and more



A panel of judges will decide on which pictures win based on the criteria you'll find below



Winners will be announced around 8:45pm

Photos will be posted on the Hunter's Expo web page to display the winners of each category/age class.

- Don't have to be present to win


Pick up

Pick up your pictures after the judges have made their decisions at 8:45pm


1. Trail Camera Photos

- What the judges will be looking for...

     1. Must be a trail camera picture (any brand is ok)

     2. Wildlife pictures only

     3. Limit of 3 pictures per person

     4. Fill out the information when you drop off so we know who submitted pics

     5. Submit printed picture 5x7 preferred (no bigger than 8x10)


2. Wildlife Photos

- What the judges will be looking for...

     1. Wildlife pictures only

     2. Limit of 3 pictures per person

     3. Fill out the information when you drop off so we know who submitted pics

     4. Submit printed picture 5x7 preferred (no bigger than 8x10)


3. Landscape Photos

- What the judges will be looking for...

     1. Pictures that capture the beauty of God's creation

     2. Must be pictures of nature, not cities or building

     3. Limit of 3 pictures per person

     4. Fill out the information when you drop off so we know who submitted pics

     5. Submit printed picture 5x7 preferred (no bigger than 8x10)


4. Trophy/Harvest Photos

- What the judges will be looking for...

     1. Pictures that capture the joy of the Harvest/Hunt

     2. Pictures must not be graphic (minimal/no blood visible - if too graphic, pic will not be allowed in contest)

     3. Size of antlers is not the main priority, the photo of the hunter with their harvest and joy and story the

         photo tells will be the main priority.

     4. Hunter must be visible in the picture

     5. Limit of 3 pictures per person

     6. Fill out the information when you drop off so we know who submitted pics

     7. Submit printed picture 5x7 preferred (no bigger than 8x10)


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